Monday, June 9, 2014

Monday Made It: Reader's Notebook

Happy Summer friends! 

Today I'm linking up with Tara from Fourth Grade Frolics for my first Monday Made It of the summer!

This summer, my goal is to get organized for next year. On my to-do list right now is refining my reading strategies. This year I completed a thirty book challenge with my fourth grade students inspired by Donalyn Miller's The Book Whisperer. Now, I'm reading her second book, Reading in the Wild. As I read, I'm refining my Reader's Notebooks.
So, let me introduce to you the start of my new Reader's Notebook for next year. It's a model, that I plan to show students and have them create their own. 

I plan for students to decorate the cover of their spiral bound notebooks
during the first week of school. They can make them personal and unique.
One of the first pages of their notebook will include a reading timeline.
I want my students to see themselves as readers from day one.
I want them to think about why they are readers, and how they became readers.

A closer look at my timeline will show that I included books that
share personal impacts on my life as a reader. These books have shaped
the way in which I view my reading life.
My book timeline spans from my first book, to elementary
 and middle school, to my college life, and into my
recent year of teaching. 

Then, I want to have a section for genre blurbs where students can
determine what genre in which they are most interested, and discuss
why they like these kinds of books.

If you haven't yet, make sure to go to Tara's blog to check out more fabulous ideas for Monday Made It!


  1. Reading in the Wild is on my (huge) list of books to read. I love the way your notebook turned out. The timeline is such a great idea. Maybe I need to read the book sooner than planned.

    Fit to be Fourth

  2. I LOVE this idea! Is there a book or blog where I can get more information on the reading timeline? That is a GREAT idea, one I will definitely be implementing! :) Thank you for sharing!

    1. and I just re-read your post and saw that you DID mention the book! I was so distracted by the reading timeline idea that I didn't read thoroughly the first time! :) sorry!

  3. What a cute idea!
    I'm your newest follower- a fellow fourth grade teacher. Loving your blog and love your name :)
    Fourth Grade Lemonade

  4. I love the idea of having each student keep their own reading timeline!! Thanks for the great idea!
